Are You Battling Bed Bugs?

Bed bug removal experts are your allies in Cherry Hill, Moorestown, Trenton, NJ and surrounding areas

Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be overwhelming. You're plagued with bites from insects that are hard to find and harder to get rid of.

Premier Pest Solutions LLC will help you. We'll provide bed bug removal services to you in Cherry Hill, Moorestown, Trenton, NJ or a surrounding area. We'll use a powerful chemical bed bug treatment. Call 609-333-2175 now to schedule services.

What should you know about bed bugs?

What should you know about bed bugs?

Since 2011, we've been performing effective bed bug removal work while learning about these bugs. The most important thing to know about bed bugs is how to recognize the signs of an infestation.

You might notice:

  • Itchy, red bites on your skin or your pets
  • Reddish bed bug droppings on sheets or furniture
  • Oval, flat and brown or reddish bodies of bed bugs

If you need help identifying a bug problem, contact a bed bug treatment pro on our team. We'll get to the bottom of the problem and provide the right pest treatment.